Where can I get some advice on running my giveaway?

You've come to the right place.  Check out the Rafflecopter 'Field Manual', which outlines the best practices of running a giveaway with Rafflecopter. Access the Field Manual by clicking here or visit http://learn.rafflecopter.com.

In addition to the field manual, the knowledge base / FAQ page here is a great resource to understand how Rafflecopter might work for you on Facebook, on your blog, how premium features work, what the entrant process is like, etc.

Finally, we constantly update the The Hangar: A Rafflecopter Blog. Check it out!

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    Jennifer Kidd

    Can I run a giveaway via rafflecopter on my FB GROUP? I’m trying to get more GROUP members. I’m almost at 10k. I also have a FB Biz Page, but it only has 1650 followers/likers. My site is thru Shopify, where all customers order from, but I’m trying to grow my VIP FB Group, as that’s where all the “action” is. Please help! I’m at 9,920 members and want to do a big 10k giveaway event ASAP! Thanks! Oh- one last thing- can I install this from my iPhone 7s+? Or must it be done from my laptop? Can’t find your app in Apple store...

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