What do you do with the information I give you on the settings page?

We keep it safe :) If you run giveaways w/ Rafflecopter and create an account, we ask for your name, email address, website, timezone, and payment info (if you're on a premium subscription). Here's what we do with this info:

  • Your name: We only use this so we can call you by your name on the site. It's way more friendly than "1f3870be274f6c49b3e31a0c6728957f:)
  • Your email: You use your email to log in to Rafflecopter, as well as a place to receive giveaway updates and your giveaway's entry exports. We also send out very infrequent, awesome-filled emails about new features.
  • Your website: We're always curious to see who is using Rafflecopter. We like to spread the word about awesome giveaways that are going on.
  • Your timezone: This is where you can set what timezone you'd like for your giveaways to start and end.
  • Your language: This is where you can set what language you'd like for your giveaways. We support English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and German.
  • Your payment info: We use this (with your explicit permission) to pay for premium Rafflecopter features. Your card information is stored off-site, encrypted, and protected by world-class security.
  • We take you and your readers' privacy seriously. We will never, ever share your info or post updates without your permission. Promise.
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