Having trouble getting your giveaway to show up on Facebook? We're here to help! First, to understand how our Facebook app works, click here for a brief intro to the Rafflecopter Facebook app. If you've read that and you're having problems getting the app to load on Facebook, use the troubleshooting steps below, as it could be one of several things:
1) Check if you have a popup blocker installed in your browser & deactivate it. The Rafflecopter FB app & the associated instructions will appear in a popup window.
2) Go to Facebook and see that you're using Facebook as yourself as opposed to your Facebook page. You'll need to connect your Rafflecopter account with your personal Facebook account. Change over to your personal account and try running through the process again.
When you connect to the Facebook app through Facebook connect, it will ask you to login with your personal account. What will then happen is the app will recognize the Facebook pages that you're an admin for so you can run a giveaway on one of those pages. It's not possible to login with a Facebook page account, only a Facebook profile. This is a limitation on Facebook's behalf and is the only way to connect any app to your Facebook page.
3) Check to see you turn off browser plugins that might block Facebook access, such as 'Disconnect' (https://disconnect.me/).
4) There's a chance that the giveaway tab on your Facebook page was installed, but you don't immediately see it. You might need to click on the drop down to the right of your page tabs on the top of your timeline to view the page tab. You're welcome to rearrange these tabs as you see fit.
5) If that doesn't help, try installing the giveaway on your Facebook page from another browser. Clearing your browser cache could also help. I'd recommend signing out of your Rafflecopter account, clearing your browser cache and signing back in. Here's a page that describes how to do that depending on what browser you're using: