You could... You're more than welcome to pick a winner by hand if you'd like, but if you do, you'll have to announce the winner on the outside of the widget. In order to have a winner displayed on the Rafflecopter widget when your giveaway is over, they must be selected by Rafflecopter on the 'entries' tab randomly by clicking 'add a winner'.
Can I pick a winner by hand?
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Once the winner is selected through Rafflecopter, how does the Winner's name appear. Do you use their full name? Or just the first name, last initial, which is what I prefer? Also, how do they submit their shipping address to receive their prize? Can that be done through Rafflecopter? Or do I figure that out separately?
Hey Ken - when winners are chosen and displayed on the widget, you'll see their first name and last initial only. As far as contacting the winners, we recommend that you email them at the address they've provided to collect the information you need to award the prize.
When we need to collect shipping information, we send all the winners an email with a link to a form they can fill out that asks for their address.
The functionality has changed since I used Rafflecopter last year. I'm all for letting the app pick my winner randomly but I do some checks first (seeing if they told the truth, e.g. signing up to newsletter). Unfortunately, if readers lie, I have to remove them from the winners' list but I can't cross them out anymore? :-(
Hey Michelle - you'll need to click on the entrant after being chosen and then click on the 'disqualify this winner' button on the winner card:
Thanks, Greg. Strangely, with the one entry I can't disqualify the winner because there no button?!?
Once you disqualify a winner, do they get notified though or know they were disqualified? Just wondering what happens after you select that option.
Hey Tara! At no point to we contact your giveaway entrants or winners, so if you choose a winner and then decide to disqualify them, they won't be contacted or notified in any way. Hope that helps!
I accidentally clicked the 'add a winner' button too soon. Is there any way I can undo that without disqualifying the 'winner'?
how to I disqualify a winner if there is no disqualify button?? I have disqualified 4 winners picked because they didn't fulfil what the winning entry, but the app does not allow me to select another winner, so i would like to give the winning back to the first two picked but I am not able to disqualified the last two. I only have two prizes but now there are three winners. Please advise!
I have the same question as Skylar--is there a way to "undo" adding a winner instead of disqualifying?
I would also like to know what to do if I accidentally picked a winner to soon....
While there isn't a way to add that particular entry back in, my best recommendation is to manually add an entry into the giveaway so they'll still be able to receive credit and have the chance to be chosen again. Here's an article that describes how to do this in more detail:
How can I get rafflecopter to randomly draw and announce a winner who has the correct answer to my question posed as the Facebook competition ? Our competition is to correctly guess the special guest artist coming to our carnival next year and people will be putting down various singers' and/or bands' names. How can I select a pool of contestants that choose "Band X" or "Singer Y" or whatever ? Thanks for your assistance.
Oh, I guess I could randomly pick a winner and see if they have the right answer, deleting them if they don't. Repeat and continue until a winner with the right answer is chosen, and then follow the normal steps. Sound reasonable ?
Hey Steven - that would be the best recommended way to get the winner (continue until a winner with the right answer is chosen & follow the normal steps). Cheers!
I need to disqualify someone because they didn't do the required entries but the disqualify button is missing. How do I do this because at the moment there are two winners for one prize
Hey Nereyda - if you're still having problems, shoot us a message at support at rafflecopter dot com w/ some details and we'll investigate further!
I've been giving away books but want all to remain eligible for the Grand Prize.
If Rafflecopter used for random winners, will they stay in the pool for the Grand Prize random drawing?
Or should I plan to do the Grand Prize manually so that all remain eligible?
Hey Rick - for cases like that, I might manually choose the winner so everyone is eligible. Hope that helps!