Is the Rafflecopter entry form mobile-friendly?

You bet! The Rafflecopter entry form will always appear as the full entry form from a desktop. However, if you’re viewing a webpage with the Rafflecopter entry form on a mobile device that has a device-width less than 450px (which means all iPhones and Android mobile devices), a button will appear in place of the entry form with a call-to-action.

When the button is clicked, the entry form will appear in its own browser window and will fit in the screen of the new browser window. To visualize, here’s a gif of how this will work:

For blogs and sites with mobile and responsive themes, this will allow the entry form to fit in much better with the layout of your site and give your entrants a much better experience from mobile devices. Additionally, if your entry form has a customized theme, the button will inherit the theme to match your entry form.

Here are a few screenshots of the entry form matching the button theme below:

If there’s ever an instance where you have a page set up and you don’t want the button to appear on mobile in place of the entry form, you’re able to disable the button by adding ‘data-always-expand’ into your embed code. Here’s an example of an embed code given to us from the installation page, and then altered to include this snippet.

This feature is available at all subscription levels. 

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