How do I unsubscribe from receiving Rafflecopter emails?

We’re sad to see you go :(  We also understand that sometimes we all want to cut down on the amount of email we receive, so we’ve made unsubscribing from Rafflecopter emails easy.

Transactional Emails

To turn off emails we send related to your account, visit your account settings page:

At the bottom of the page under Notifications, simply uncheck the box.

Rafflecopter notifications

Marketing Emails

You can find an unsubscribe link at the bottom of all of our marketing emails. Click this link and you’ll be unsubscribed from all Rafflecopter marketing emails. See below for an example of what this link looks like.

Rafflecopter unsubscribe

Of course, you can always send a request to to stop receiving either transactional or marketing emails. 

Have more questions? Submit a request


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